$450.00 USD

12 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

You will be charged immediately for the training at the listed price. This is a payment plan. Your recurring payments will begin 1 month after the initial charge and continue monthly for 11 months total. 

There are no refunds on digital products.

Certified Pain Resolution Specialist (Payment Plan)

 What you will be getting:

  • Master the Art of Pain Resolution: Dive into the comprehensive journey with the Hache Protocol.
  • 400+ Hours of Exclusive Content: Techniques taught nowhere else globally (including 8 reference-worthy textbooks). 
  • Lifetime Access: Revisit course material anytime you wish.
  • Live Q&A Sessions: Quarterly sessions with Sana Institute Faculty.


  • 1 Year of Premium Access to the Hache Protocol Private Membership (including Private Group, training library, and deep discounts on future trainings) ($1997 Value).
  • Benefit from an entire year with your very own dedicated Treatment Coordinator, hand-in-hand crafting effective treatment plans for both you and your clientele! (PRICELESS).
  • Lifetime Access to the Hache Protocol Reset ($1495 value)